Mathematics has often been thought of as being cold, calculating, linear, crisp, sharp and clean. Many efforts in the field of computer graphics seek to recreate reality or visualize the fantastic. Procedural Abstractions attempts to enable mathematics to extend the range of the aesthetic within the domain of computer graphics. The designer sets the overall aesthetic direction for a given series, but it is the computer that creates each individual image: a true “creative partnership” between art and technology. It explores the nexus of logic and expression.
Initially, the designer establishes an initial set of aesthetic parameters for the generative procedure. Once started these parameters are then mediated by a set of logic drivers within the procedure itself which then uses the power of the computer to realize a final image sequence containing hundreds of variations. This intermediation is the crucial element in generating this work. It enables the computer to “partner” with the designer in a manner as yet unexplored to any large extent.
There is no human intervention in the process once the procedure starts, nor is there any type of image manipulation or post-processing applied to the final images.
Hundreds of images result each time a procedure is initiated. The resulting images are then evaluated from an aesthetic perspective and the most significant images from each series are selected
Procedurally generated art is capable of creating an extremely wide variety of aesthetic directions while maintaining a distinct and approachable presence. All Procedural Abstraction images are created exclusively in the square format. Being dimensionally neutral, it is the most challenging format for visual expression.
Original, signed, square images are only available by special quote in sizes larger than 24 inches. However, rectangular prints of the work are available for purchase in a variety of formats and surfaces from our Print Shop.